
I first had the pleasure of meeting Wendy [of Weswen Design] last year when we began work on the Harry Potter Wedding Shoot, and I fell completely in love with her right from the start. She’s fun, hilarious, and incredibly talented- her designs blow my mind! Since the Potter shoot Wendy and I have collaborated on a […]

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More Lovely Faces- Wendy of Weswen Design

February 10, 2012


If you read yesterday’s post, you’re all up to date on why you should be using Twitter. Now here’s the “how:” 1) Start following related businesses that work in and around your service area. This means that as a photographer, I follow graphic designers, stationers, dress designers, bloggers, and other photographers. Start local, then branch out. […]

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Twitter part 2- the “how”

February 9, 2012


You’re probably exhasted with the ever-growing list of different social media outlets, but there are a few I’ve found to be absolutely essential for me as a small business owner. You all already know about my love affair with Facebook (parts 1 and 2), but it’s time to tell you about my other best friend: […]

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Twitter- Not just for crazy celebrities

February 8, 2012


Looking at other photographers’ work inspires me. Sometimes so much that it makes my stomach hurt, because whatever I’m doing right at that moment, this photographer’s images makes me want to drop every and run into the world to create and be creative. I love finding new sources of inspiration to forever push me forward, […]

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Lessons Learned: Inspiration v. Plagiarism

February 7, 2012

Grab the 9 Brand Photo Archetypes shot list download, so that you never run out of ideas on set and can approach every session with a strategic PLAN.

Ever feel like Elsa and freeze up during a shoot?

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